I *love* the idea that the AE role is a multiplier of the impact of the DA role!! Gosh so obviously correct but not part of my mental model until you said it. I know this is random but it immediately made me think of a strategy in one of my favorite games of all time: Dominion. The strategy is called "dukes and duchies" and you can read more about it here:


Essentially, there are two cards you can get, Dukes and Duchies. A Duke is worth one point for each Duchy you have. And so, every time you get a new card, you have to determine whether the right approach is to get another Duke or another Duchy. The point-maximizing strategy in this instance is to have the same count of each card (4 Dukes and 4 Duchies == 16 points) vs skewing too hard in one direction (6 Dukes and 2 Duchies == 12 points, 7 Dukes and 1 Duchy == 7 points).

I know, very random. Anyway, I think you introduced a very valuable mental model for how to balance hiring between these two profiles.

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I'm imagining a talented designer at dbt labs making a data strategy card game. With cards for different personas: AE, DA, DS, MLE, PM... Maybe with community famous IC personalities inspiring the characters 😂

Then these decks of cards could be swag at Coalesce.

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Glad I saw you mention this on LI. This very much encapsulates my experience.

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